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Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

My DH, Butch...Just a small tribute to the man who has been my "other" half for almost 27 years! This is for the September Embellies Challenge - J=bling (Heart), K= Kraft Paper (background), and L = letter stamps (THIS). Journaling is rather long..but if you really want to's what I said....

This man has been my husband and has stood by my side for the past 26 ½ years. We’ve shared love, laughter, tears, and sorrows together. On April 11, 1981, we stood before the minister and repeated our vows. I remember standing there that day and thinking… “What am I doing? Is this the right decision for me and my children? Will he love me and my children enough?” Now, as I look back, I realize that those are questions I should have had answers to before we reached the altar, but I was a thirty year old widowed mother of three small children (ages 2, 4, and 6). At that point in my life, I wanted someone who would make me feel special, and at the same time, someone who would love my children as much as I did. I can’t honestly say that I married Butch for all the right reasons. Yet, 26 ½ years later, I know that God had a plan for my life, and Butch was part of that plan. We’ve had good times, bad times, and times I’d just as soon forget…but through it all, Butch has been there for me, and for my three children….always. When we married, Butch’s sons had been on their own for several years. He had raised a family. Then he met me…and was willing to do it all over again. Amazing! I guess raising a second family was often very difficult for him, but he never complained. He started all over again…changing diapers, playing games, cooking meals, washing clothes…the list goes on and on. He supported my desire to go to college. For seven long years, I attended college to get my bachelor’s degree. His love and devotion never faltered. He was THERE for me whenever I needed him. He was there when my children (and if he is asked…they are “our” children) graduated from high school. He was there when they graduated from college. He was there to walk the girls down the aisle when they were married. He’s helped them move, taken care of the grandchildren, and worked on their cars. To my children, he is Daddy. Through all of our ups and downs, he has been there to hold my hand and dry my tears. All the children are grown, married, and out on their own. It’s just the two of us now. He is still there for me. I cannot imagine what my life would have been like if Butch had not become part of our family. I love him more today than I would have ever thought possible on the day we were married. He was, is, and always will be my love, my husband, and my best friend. I Love You, Butch.

Thanks so much for taking a peek!
