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Harry Potter Creative Imaginations, Silhouette SD owl, and papyrus paper, clay for the scroll. A picture of Dusty when he was learning to walk and got a boo boo, one of the kids said he looks like Harry Potter and of course we took lots of pictures. We are all Harry Potter fans. The title was cut from Cricut Blackletter. I have more pics on my blog
Thanks for spreading positivity!
August 06, 2012
September 05, 2011
September 04, 2011
September 04, 2011
September 04, 2011
August 09, 2011
August 09, 2011
August 09, 2011
August 08, 2011
August 06, 2011
August 06, 2011
August 06, 2011
August 06, 2011
August 05, 2011
August 04, 2011
August 03, 2011
August 03, 2011
August 03, 2011
August 03, 2011
August 03, 2011
August 03, 2011
August 03, 2011
August 03, 2011
August 03, 2011
August 03, 2011
August 01, 2011
August 01, 2011
August 01, 2011
July 31, 2011
July 31, 2011
July 31, 2011
July 31, 2011