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Give a Cheer
Give cheer Give a Cheer

The journaling on this layout says that my sons, Kevin and Daniel were in Windy City Jack and Jill. This is one of their group one activities where they worked at ice cream store for a day. Who knew that work could be so sweet!

The layout was done for the February 2025 following challenges;

1. Bakers dozen.
2. Journaling (number six - handwritten),
3. Stamping (with lace and journaling stamps),
4. Use your stickers use your stickers (hearts, and love).
5. Spotlight, your layout.
6. Laces and trim.
Seven Carter, Bella and Echo Park
8. February 5 or 10 things (bling, flowers, trinket/metal pieces, Jolie embellishments and embossing powders.)
9. Tic-tac-toe (flowers, free, yarn and or flowers, embossing powder and bling.)
10. Theme love and Cupid
11. Would you rather
12. Daly info (6 rose, 14 gold hearts, 26 pink.)
13. Mixed media
14. Volume
